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    Australian Draught Horse Stud Book Society  


Sydney and Southern Districts Branch Group



So What is an Australian Draught Horse?




Do I need an Australian Draught horse to participate in Sydney and Southern Districts Branch? No, any horse is fine! Or join as a social member......


May 2008 News


Members Kim and Nicole competed at St Ives Agricultural Show and their horses Aspen and Tess won Champion Led Draught Horse (Other Breeds) and Reserve Champion Led Draught Horse (Other Breeds) respectively. Unfortunately the extensive program including long rein and ridden draught was cancelled due to the ring running late. Not satisfied, Kim and Nicole all ready to compete long reined the horses on the main arena!


Aspen and Tess also competed in Haflinger (Champion Ridden) and Buckskin classes also.

We look forward to next weeks training day and all the surprises in store. Look in Coming Events for details including THS which will be necessary if you bring a horse.


April 2008 News


Members of ADH S&S did extremely well at Hawkesbury Show, all the hard work paying off - hence decided to blow their prizemoney and had a little get together at Clarendon Bistro to celebrate their successes over $5 schnitzels. Amongst the winners were 1st long rein driven (''it was like poetry'') and another competitor came within half a point of supreme heavy horse - with champion Australian Draught - well done!!! Nicole over achieved as usual, can't keep up with her ribbon haul after achieving 1st and 2nd places at her first Royal, and indeed first show, in delivery classes with Tess. Aspen was captured on video in the long rein class and has been published on you-tube.


Welcome to new members that joined us for the first time...and to the many spectators that admired our well behaved and beautiful horses. It was a gorgeous day in the Hawkesbury indeed and with entries beyond that of recent years, the atmosphere was electric.


St Ives Show has a program coming up to appeal to those showing for breed classes and working classes. Program is listed under show dates.


The AGM is not far away, we are meeting at the Luddenham Country Club at 6pm on 10th May.


Dates of coming training days at Luddenham are:

25th May

22nd June

27th July


and a reminder of course that we are all working towards St Heliers Field Day on 30th and 31st August 2008.



February 2008 News


The latest meeting at Macquarie Arms was attended by a dozen keen souls keen for EI to be over. A number of coming events were discussed.


9th March Club Day - Show Preparation


    To be held at Di and Alan's from 10am

    please RSVP ASAP,

    bring a plate and 2x8 ply 50g balls of wool for plaiting

    horses supplied!


5th April - Demonstration


    To be held at field beside East Kurrajong School of Arts, 9-12

    We have let the East Kurrajong School of Arts committe know we will be attending for a demonstration. Contact Di Shaw for further information.


12th April - Hawkesbury Show


    Catalogues are out now for people wishing to enter the working draught horse classes at Hawkesbury Show. Entries are due on 20th March.


12th-13th April - JK Williams SJ Possible Demonstration


    Show jumping in the orchard is on again and with it an opportunity for a display for those keen to show their horses two days in a row being on the same weekend as Hawkesbury Show, at Penrith Valley Oranges, Castlereagh Rd, Castlereagh.

    Demonstration TBA - probably Sunday if at all.

    Mounted games on Sunday evening under lights, and free entry for spectators - a fun day out I am certain. More details and flyer at  JK Williams Showjumping in the Orchard


10th May - Annual General Meeting


    The annual general meeting of the Australian Draught Horse Sydney and Southern Branch is to be held at Luddenham Country Club on the 10th May from 6pm



 November 2007 News


Thank you to Kimberley for organising the location. An excellent location and top party. Merry Christmas everyone!!!




October 2007 News


A small but interesting horse free meeting was had on Sunday 28th October. Alan Shaw brought a bevvy of photo albums which was both nostalgic and informative.


The website was briefly discussed, and it was agreed that expanding the information using this media would be helpful to attract new memberships and continuing classification of horses. It was concluded that information about the process involved in classification, and attaining judging qualifications would be a useful inclusion. In addition, a list of officially endorsed and qualified judges and classifiers would be maintained in order to facilitate this. Obtaining a copy of the ADH studbook was also mooted as an important step forward in promoting the breed. As there is a Federal Meeting on 4th November this request will be passed on beyond the club level.


An end of year gathering is to be held on Sunday 25 November...


The Macquarie Arms Hotel


99 George Street Windsor







We have hired an upstairs function room and balcony from 12.00 noon



Purchase your own lunch at the Hotel - Bring a friend


We look forward to catching up with everyone so see you there!



The new year is approaching and some dates for upcoming shows and training days were discussed. At present, Luddenham Ag Show is due to run Feb 9-10, and Hawkesbury on 11-13 April.Both shows have a good draught program (including prize money) which, horse population health willing, we will endeavour to patronise. Training days are being booked for 24 February 2008 and 27 April 2008 to enable pre show practice. Further show dates are posted at http://www.agshowsnsw.org.au/.






September 2007 News


The club and social day was held on Sunday 26th August at Luddenham Showground, Campbell Street Luddenham with much success. Due to lockdown subsequent to Equine Influenza outbreaks, no horses were permitted however that did not stop some 26 people from coming along and sharing some stories, watching some old video footage, enjoying a good feed and enjoying the warm sunny day.

During the meeting the topic of website was raised. While a proper website is prepared, this temporary site will be maintained with important dates, results, internet links and classifieds.





 August 2007 News



Drizzle and cold weather was not enough to put a dampener on our first club get-together at the Luddenham Showground this year. Almost 30 people came on the day; existing members, new members and people interested in finding out about our club. We had some new members sign up to the Sydney and Southern Branch, enquiries about horse classification, and we sold a bit of ADHSBS merchandise too.

Six people brought their horses, which was a good effort. Amongst the horses we had a registered Australian Draught, a mare from Clydesdale Rescue, a Haflinger and a young Shire stallion. They were black, bay, chestnut and buckskin, short and tall, which goes to show you don’t have to have a certain type of horse to come along and have fun driving over bridges, around witches hats and around the log snig course.



Lunch was served under the shelter of a covered picnic area, appropriately decorated with old horse drawn winkers and harness, and old pieces of Australian memorabilia. Morning and afternoon tea were a treat to the tastebuds thanks to the many people who brought nibblies and biscuits, and who had been busy in their kitchens making a great selection of homemade slices and cakes.


Thankyou to everyone who helped organise the event and those who braved the drizzle to come along. Thanks also to Dianne who made and donated a selection of jams for the lucky door prize.




From The Editor


Got some news, show results or maybe some photos?

Please contact the website editor for contributions.



Join Us


New members are always welcome whether or not you have a horse. Please join us in training exercises, exhibiting, bring and buy, sharing stories or a drink or two. For further information on joining the Southern Branch, as a social or active member please contact:


      President                  Kimberley Hill             0417 787247

      Vice President          Alan Shaw                 02 4571 1743

      Secretary                 Christine Sercome     02 4567 1153

      Treasurer                 Prue McPhail              0415 880936




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